Wednesday, February 24, 2010

(My) Best of 09.

I have never compiled "serious" or definite "best of" lists about specific movie years. I thought this year I'd give it a try so bear with me.
I don't think I have the ability to judge too technical aspects of movie making (who the hell's too say that prestige films have better sound than things like "Transformers 2"? Not me for one) so this time I'll stick to what I know best; acting, directing and the movies themselves.
If someone were to ask me what my favorite score of the year was, of course I'd say Michael Giacchino's wonderful work in "Up" (I've been humming the theme music in my mind every day since I first saw it in mid 09) and few things impressed me as much as the cinematography in "Bright Star" (talk about writing poetry with a movie camera).
Oh and I also was very much impressed by the Eisensten-ian editing work in "Vincere", if a movie ever obviously relied on its cuts to deliver ideas and set moods this one was it.
With that said, you know how it is when one begins to talk movies, I'll just proceed with my list...

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