Monday, June 20, 2011

I See Red.

Via The Playlist come the truly mindblowing news that Nicolas Winding Refn not only is dying to make a feature film about the kick-ass Wonder Woman, but he wants the even more awesome, redhead extraordinaire, Christina Hendricks to play her!

"If I get to do it, she's going to be it" he says and my oh my I already feel like the following comic book scene...

I see red too...

Wouldn't Hendricks, fantastic rack and all, rock this character?


Jason H. said...

Can we start a fundraiser for this right now?

Simon said...

Make it so, internet. MAKE IT FUCKING SO.

Amir said...

i already can't wait.

Notas Sobre Creación Cultural e Imaginarios Sociales said...

I know guys, let's voodoo people so that this happens! Maybe they'll pay more attention to Hendricks after she won the Critics Choice Award for Supporting Actress today too!